Minutes of the Lincster’s General Meetings 2023
4/05/23 Meeting click here
Minutes of the Lincster’s General Meeting
October 6, 2021
Place: Kilaga Presentation Hall
Minutes of the Lincster’s General Meeting
March 10, 2021
Place: ZOOM
Minutes of the Lincster’s General Meeting
October 2, 2019
Place: Orchard Creek
Minutes of the Lincster’s General Meeting
June 19, 2019
Place: Orchard Creek
Minutes of the Lincster’s General Meeting
March 13, 2019
Place: Orchard Creek Ballroom
Minutes of the Lincster’s General Meeting
September 19, 2018
Place: Orchard Creek Ballroom
Minutes of the Lincster’s General Meeting
June 20, 2018
Place: Orchard Creek Ballroom
Minutes of the Lincster’s General Meeting
March 28, 2018
Place: Orchard Creek Ballroom
Minutes of the Lincster’s General Meeting
December 6, 2017
Place: Orchard Creek Ballroom
The meeting was called to order by Captain Sharon McMillan at 12:00 p.m.
Today’s meeting is a combination General Meeting/Holiday Luncheon/Board Installation. The following is a very brief summary – in outline form – of the proceedings:
· Welcome to all members by Social Chair Kathy Lindner.
· Luncheon served.
· Captain’s Message given by Sharon McMillan.
· Presentation of gifts to Lincoln Meadows Care Center by Edna Linville and a brief acceptance speech from the director of the center.
· Lincoln Hills Golf Club update given by Tony Marino.
· Most Improved Player Award given by Steve Treadway.
· Awards by Flights given by Madelyn Merola and Jane Steffes.
· WNGA Awards given out by Alyce Stanwood.
· 2017 Board Installation presented by outgoing Captain Sharon McMillan.
· New Captain’s Message jointly given by Alyce Stanwood and Marie Bossert.
· Closing and adjournment by Kathy Lindner.
Minutes of the Lincster’s General Meeting
June 22, 2016
Place: Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall
The meeting was called to order by Captain Nancy McDonald at 12:05 p.m
Motion was made to approve the Minutes of the March 16, 2016 General Meeting by Angie Roy and seconded by Darlynne Giorgi. Minutes were approved.
Captain: Nancy McDonald
- Introductory remarks and welcome to all members attending.
- Brief introduction of Board Members. Halfway mark through the year and a few positions on the Board will be open for next year. One in particular will be the Tournament Chair. Looking for new Board members and encourage all to participate.
- Captains Scramble scheduled for June 29, set up by Pat Ward and Marie Bossert.
- Club Championship
- Encourage participation in this two-day event scheduled for September 13 & 14. There are winners in every flight.
- Marie Bossert explained the qualifying: must have 12 regular Lincster play days from September 1 of last year through August 31 of this year. Marie is available for any questions about the number of qualifying games a member has played.
· New Logo
- A new design for the club logo was voted on at the last meeting. Discussion was opened as to the wording of the club name – Lincster 9ers or Lincoln Hills Lincsters. (The latter is the registered name of the club.) The consensus of members is Lincoln Hills Lincsters.
- Additional
work will be done on the graphics and layout and will be presented to
Treasurer’s Report: Mary D’Agostini
- As of 6/6/16, the balance in account is $7,919.96.
- The net profit from the Bring A Friend Tournament was $162.69.
Tournament Chair: Marie Bossert
- Update on tournaments.
- Usually donate any profit made from a tournament.
- Breast Cancer Tournament on 10/20/16 will be hosted by the 18 Hole group.
- Looking for a new Tournament Chair. Marie will be available to help new person.
- Update on our Breast Cancer Tournament of last year.
- The Placer County Breast Cancer Foundation honored our contribution at a reception held at La Provence restaurant. Joyce Bauer and Pat Dangerfield were among those attending (as was Joyce Kozuki who took pictures). Our contribution was the largest single contribution they have received – approximately $6,700+. We were given a plaque – Gift of Hope Award - which will be displayed.
- Pat and Joyce thanked all who were involved in this successful tournament.
- They put together a highly-organized notebook which will be invaluable for future tournaments.
Handicap: Linda Salmon
- Linda gave an overview of her duties which includes getting information from GHIN and PWGA and breaking it down into 9 holes for handicap purposes.
- Remember to post every game played “within the rules of golf.”
- Any mistakes on posting or questions, call Linda.
- Extra copies of the rule books are available.
- USGA has an excellent section on rules on their website. Try it out.
Awards: Carole Cain and Ruth Pennington
- General update on awards – pins/golfer of the month.
- Reminder
to check both scorecards assuring accuracy before signing and turning in.
Membership: Pat Shafer
- As of 6/1/16, 133 members, 13 new this year with 2 rejoining and 4 pending.
Historian: Joyce Kozuki
- Explained
her duties. Needs a replacement
for next year.
Publicity: Sue Pharis
- Sue writes the articles for the Sun City News and the Compass.
- She
asks that if members have pictures (maybe taken with phone on the course,
etc.) or interesting items that come up, let her know. Always needs more things to write about.
- There
was no Sunshine report today.
GAL/MM: Barbara Gorden/Margie Jewett:
- For
the benefit of new members, Margie explained about both sub-groups, open
to all members, and it’s a great opportunity to play more golf.
PWGA Representative: Darlynne Giorgi
- Reminder if you are a member of multiple clubs, you need to fill out an application for a refund from PWGA.
- US Women’s Open will be held July 4-10 in San Martin, CA (by San Jose). PWGA website has information regarding volunteering and ticket purchase.
- PWGA Hole-In-One procedure was explained – scorecard must be attested, a copy given to Darlynne which will be forwarded to PWGA. A certificate of award and a pin will be given by PWGA.
WNHGA Representative: Alyce Stanwood
- Gave a brief overview of WNHGA.
- As of today’s date, our team is in 2nd place.
- All WNHGA members were acknowledged.
Captain: Nancy McDonald: Questions from floor and miscellaneous items
- There’s a photo display on You Tube of the Lincster 2015 holiday party.
- Golf course maintenance issues
- Apron on some greens not clearly delineated. It can be an issue as to whether you’re on or off the green as far as putting.
- Hole #14 (Orchard) new drop zone
- Maps/directions to various holes on Lincster website. Might be a good idea to print them out and keep them in your golf bag.
- Question re history of tournaments or joint play day with Roseville Sun City or any other local golf group. Possibly look into getting in the loop for invitationals with local clubs.
- Alyce Stanwood explained in more depth about WNHGA for new members.
- 9 holes, private country clubs in Northern California, some overnight stays, application in binder in pro shop, $48 annual dues, must be a Lincster, can join at any time, each club holds a play day, pay for cart fee and food.
- Good opportunity for golf and good fellowship.
Meeting adjourned at 1:08 p.m.
Minutes of the Lincster’s General Meeting
March 16, 2016
Place: Kilaga Springs Presentation Hall
The meeting was called to order by Captain Nancy McDonald at 8:30 a.m.
Captain: Nancy McDonald
- Welcome and thanks to all members attending. A few words about Captain’s excitement at the new challenges and vision for the upcoming year.
- There were no Minutes to be approved, as the last General Meeting was the Holiday Luncheon in December 2015.
- Treasurer’s Report
- In Sharon McMillan’s absence, Captain gave the report as follows:
- To date, there is $3,247.97 in the bank account (less cost of breakfast snacks for today’s meeting).
- There was discussion at the recent board meeting about contributing some of our extra money to a local charity or organization. Contact a board member with any suggestions.
- Golf Lessons for Lincsters with Steve Treadway.
- Steve has a new class scheduled to begin 3/18. There are currently two openings, each class limited to six women. Contact Steve if interested. This is a good opportunity for new members to meet others and learn at the same time.
- Captain’s Scramble scheduled for 3/30/16.
- The Captain’s Scramble is held when there is a 5th Wednesday of the month. Pat Ward gave us information about the Scramble that she has put together.
- There will be three this year.
- Sign up on the Lincster website as a regular playday.
- There are links on the website with info about sign-up, rules, and strategies.
- Come out and play – it’s a fun team game.
Tournament Chair: Marie Bossert
- Two tournaments this year:
- Bring A Friend – May 4, 2016
- Bring a friend or pair up with a member.
- Tournament fee $24, includes a taco bar lunch.
- Pay green fees to the pro shop on day of tournament.
- Club Championship Tournament – September 13, 14
- Need a chairperson for this tournament, so, members, please contact Marie if you would like to volunteer or help in any way.
- Breast Cancer Tournament – October 20
- This year’s tournament will be put on by the 18 Hole Group, will be 18 holes and held on a Thursday.
Handicap: Linda Salmon
- Linda gave an overview of her duties which include the following:
- Handicaps and GHIN numbers
- Maintaining Lincster roster
- Works with pairings group and Pat Ward
- Does random audits – REMEMBER TO POST YOUR SCORES!
- Any mistakes in posting a score, contact Linda
- Linda recently attended a PWGA meeting, along with Nancy McDonald, Sharon McMillan and Darlynne Giorgi. She discussed the major issues:
- New Rule changes – All members attending meeting were given new Rule Books. Principal changes to rules are discussed on pages 13-15. Check them out.
- Handicap & Posting scores
- the “i” will no longer be used to indicate internet posting
- the “t” for tournament - when playing in a tournament, be sure to check to see if the scoring will be posted for you. In most tournaments, it should be announced, if not, ask.
- Playing alone will no longer be postable. There is no one to attest the score, and it protects the integrity of the USGA handicap system.
- Look on the Lincster website for any questions about handicaps or check with Linda.
- USGA will be adopting a World Handicap system and will only recognize one subgroup, NCGA, and will no longer recognize PWGA. This is to take effect in January 2018. We might be required to join NCGA. PWGA is working to resolve the issue. PWGA really supports women’s golf, and they may be asking for our help and support in the future.
Website: Sharon Grimes
- Sharon was congratulated by the members for doing such a wonderful job on the Lincster website.
- She does get calls about trouble members may be having with website. She can help with the website issues, but NOT INDIVIDUAL TECH PROBLEMS.
- Familiarize yourself with the Lincster front page. It does include links to lots of information, some of which are Key Dates, New Rules, and many more.
- A question from the floor was asked regarding accessing the website from a phone. She indicated that there shouldn’t be a problem, but most phone screens are very small and you might need to expand the text so you can easily touch the appropriate place on the screen. An Ipad has a larger screen.
Awards: Carole Cain
- Encouraged everyone to sign up for the putt pool
- Make sure you turn in two scorecards at the end of a Lincster round, even if you may be the rare occasion as a two-some. One of the scorecards is for sweeps and the other is for awards. Need two matching scorecards.
Membership: Pat Shafer
- Currently at 130 members. 10 new members this year.
- Big Sister Program. If a prospective member is new to golf clubs, this program can help integrate them into the club and familiarize them with members and procedures. If you would like to participate as a Big Sister, contact Pat and get on the list.
Social: Merrilee Davidson
- Holiday luncheon is scheduled for December 7. Mark your calendars. A committee has been formed, but help is always needed and encouraged.
Historian: Joyce Kozuki
- Looking for a volunteer to replace Joyce for next year.
- Sherry Weech and May Lyau have been most helpful.
Publicity: Sue Pharis
- Sue writes the articles for the Sun City News and the Compass.
- She asks that if members have pictures (maybe taken with phone on the course, etc.) or interesting items that come up, let her know. Always needs more things to write about.
- There
was no Sunshine report today.
GAL/MM: Barbara Gorden/Margie Jewett:
- Margie Jewett – Monday Mamas
- Update about the Monday Mamas – open to any Lincster, 18 holes, the 2nd and 4th Monday, at alternating Lincoln Sun City course and Turkey Creek.
- Sign up is on the website, which she monitors and updates.
- Barbara Gorden - GAL
- Update on GAL, which is on the 1st and 3rd Monday, 18 holes, at various courses in the area. One person is the captain and sets up the course, sometimes two weeks in advance of the date, maybe only one week – depending on the course chosen.
- Can bring a friend, but only if there is available space after all Lincster members get an opportunity to sign up.
- Need captains for November.
PWGA Representative: Darlynne Giorgi
- PWGA holds tournaments that any Lincster can sign up for.
- Our website has a link to the PWGA site that gives dates, courses, and forms. It’s a very user-friendly website.
WNHGA Representative: Alyce Stanwood
- Alyce gave us a little history about the origin of the Lincsters. Started in 1999, became an official club in 2002. The original members were introduced, some were in attendance at the meeting.
- The origin of the name was from “Lincoln” and “Links.”
- The WNHGA group was explained. It’s a subgroup of the Lincsters, a nine-hole group, that plays at various private courses throughout Northern California.
- WNGHA has a Charm Girl, which is similar to our Lincster Golfer of the Month. They recently had a Charm Girl Tournament, and Linda Salmon was the winner of the 2015 Charm Girl Tourney.
- If interested in joining or want information, contact Alyce.
Captain: Nancy McDonald
- Questions from floor and miscellaneous items:
- A member had some trouble downloading the Roster. Nancy has copies if needed.
- Dinner after Afternoon Golf: Marsha Bush is the “point person” for scheduling dinner after golf through March 23, with Pat Dangerfield for the rest of the month (if there is afternoon golf). Reservations are at 5:00, Meridians, and Marsha needs to be contacted a few days before to finalize the reservations. This is just an informal get-together when we play afternoon golf for anyone who wants to join in.
- Question was posed about when golf will go back to mornings. The play time is scheduled by the Pro Shop, and we won’t know until the Pro Shop lets us know. Cindy Atkinson will update us on the time as soon as she knows.
o New Logo
- It was decided to update our Logo.
- This Logo goes on our letterhead, towels, ball markers, that type of thing.
- There were several submissions, and three were voted on by the Board at their recent meeting. Those three were then displayed to the members attending today and voted on (by raised-hand vote). The vote was A – 10; B – 15; and C – 18. C was selected. It is a lady golfer, sort of vintage motif.
- A member indicated that golf carts were parked in the lot that completely blocked a guest’s cart and the guest was unable to leave. Be careful when parking your golf cart in areas where there are other carts, specifically in the middle section immediately in front of the drop-off area.
- 1st playday of the month is the Salt Mine canned goods collection day. There is a bag provided in front of the Pro Shop for drop-offs. Reminder that goods should be prior to “expiration date.”!!
- A special thanks to Madelyn Merola for help in setting up the breakfast snack table this morning. Any leftover snacks will be donated and taken to the Lincoln Manor by Edna Linville for their dining pleasure.
- Drawing:
- As a little bonus for attending the meeting this morning, four prizes were awarded as follows (by drawing):
- 18 holes of golf, donated by the Pro Shop, to Lora Masche
- Pau.er fitness gift certificate, donated by Kay McAdam, to Mary Mangum
- Restaurant gift certificate, donated by Bev Johnson, to Suzanne Lundberg
- 18 holes of golf, donated by the Pro Shop, to Marie Bossert
Meeting adjourned at 9:50.
Lincster General Meeting Minutes - 10/07/2015
The meeting was called to order by Captain Darlynne Giorgi at 12:06.
Secretary: Sara Cannon
Approval of Minutes 6/24/2015. It was first and seconded by Brenda D’Andre and Lois Gilbert. The members present voted unanimously to accept.
Captain: Darlynne Giorgi
Welcome; thank you for coming.
A vote for 2016 Lincsters’ Executive Board has been conducted online, as well as by paper ballot today. At the conclusion of this meeting, 77 members had approved and confirmed next year’s slate. (See Co-Captain’s report.)
CTTP recipients may redeem their winnings for 9 holes, Monday-Thursday; including playdates, tournaments, and 18 holes. Playdates will need an additional $3.00, 18 holes, the balance between the 9 and 18 hole cost.
Score cards may not be altered once signed and submitted. A player may be disqualified if information on card is incorrect. Please be careful!
Our Winter tee time will change to 1:00 p.m. starting on Wednesday, November 1st.
The Pro-Shop will have new merchandise after the first of the year for your Sweep’s shopping.
Patriot’s Honor Tournament will be at Lincoln Hills on November 6th. The entry fee, including lunch, is $80.00; after October 31st: $90.00.
Co-Captain: Nancy McDonald
Introduction of 2016 Lincster Board Candidates: Marie Bossert: Tournament Chair; Mary D’Agostini: Treasurer; Brenda D’Andre: Secretary; Sharon McMillan: Co-Captain; Nancy McDonald: Captain
Each officer gave a brief description of both herself and her job.
Treasurer: Barbara Conger
Financial Report: with the exception of one small bill, we currently have a balance of $5,636.00.
Tournament Chair: Marie Bossert
Tournament Updates:
-The postable, 9 hole Breast Cancer Tournament is October 28th. So far the field is
85. For $21.00, members can sign-up for lunch only. Local donors have been very
-Kathy Lindner organized a fun Club Championship. Linda Salmon was the winner.
Today she was awarded her trophy; however she forgot to wear her prestigious green
Handicap: Linda Salmon
Education: the rules were revisited concerning a few hazards. Orchard #14: take the drop if you are in the water hazard! Also, on a drain, etc. remember to take your stance before you place your club and drop your ball.
Website: Sharon Grimes and Ive Laske (absent)
Website ladies are looking for a tech savvy person to assist them.
Awards: Carole Cain and Ruth Pennington
No update
Membership Chairs: Pat Shafer and Patty Alderete
We currently have 131 members, with 3 additional joining in January. Eva Del Torre, one of our newest golfers, was introduced.
Contact Patty Alderete if you need a new name tag.
Social Chair: Mary D’Agostini
The Holiday Party is on December 2nd. The cost for lunch is $25.00. Please send in your reservation by November 18th.
Historians: May Lau and Joyce Kozuki
May is retiring this year, and Joyce will need a replacement in 2017.
Publicity: Sue Pharis
The current Compass has a great article about Lincster talent!
Sunshine: Judi Boltz
This position needs a new coordinator.
GAL: Barbara Gorden
MAMA’S: Margie Jewett
Guest sign up for both will be as follows: check the website for procedures; then, under “Comments” denote if person is a guest. However, due to limited spaces on these days, a guest cannot be signed up until after noon on Friday, and only if space is available.
PWGA Representative: Carol Golbranson
Darlynne will be the representative next year. The website is very user friendly.
WNHGA Representative: Alyce Stanwood
The Tournament of Champions first place winners were: Marcia Bush, Second Flight; Marie Bossert, First Flight, and Miss Linda Salmon was the Champion of Champions!
Concluding our meeting were seven, Italian, bella donnas singing WNHGA praises.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:48.
Sara Cannon, Secretary
The meeting was called to order by Captain Darlynne Giorgi at 12:06.
Secretary: Sara Cannon
● Approval of Minutes 3/11/2015. It was first and seconded by Angie Roy and Pat Dangerfield. The members voted unanimously to accept.
Captain: Darylnne Giorgi
● Welcome; thank you for coming.
● Summer play time will continue to begin at 8:30 during July.
● Captain’s Scramble will be on July 29th. 8:00 AM will be the shotgun time. Pat Ward is organizing this date.
● Raffles/DOJ/Gaming Commission mandates have been discussed by the Board, and
now reiterated: raffles are illegal. Future fund raisers will have to abide by their criterion. Lincsters will think of creative ways to raise monies for charities!
● Regulations can be amended if the proper paperwork is filed with the Attorney General’s office.
● Team Apparel should be worn on FYOF days, as well as to meetings.
CoCaptain: Nancy McDonald
● Course Care Committee Update
The meeting was held on June 17, 2015, with representation from the four men’s/
women’s golf groups and the proshop. Nancy informed us about some important
issues. She stated our course’s Mission Statement, Gold Rush and PDP
Membership details, and that August 3rd will be the Wounded Warrior Tournament.
She also listed the course’s Capital Expenses, future aeration dates, researching
possible GPS replacements, our water situation, locks on course bathrooms, and
finally what we can do as individuals to maintain our courses.
Treasurer: Barbara Conger
● Financial Report: balance is $7,098.65.
● Donation of surplus funds from the Bring A Friend Tournament was Board approved
previously to give to this years’
Breast Cancer recipient. ($250.00)
Tournament Chair: Marie Bossert
● Kathy Lindner: Club Championship on September 15,16 of 2015.
All information is on our website.
● Joyce Bauer and Pat Dangerfield: Breast Cancer on October 14, 2015.
All information also on our website. Additionally, prize donations: please contact
Jan Varin, and basket ideas go to Marnie Badgley by August 15th.
Handicap: Linda Salmon (absent)
● Update: GHIN emails Linda a weekly report; call her with corrections or questions.
Website: Sharon Grimes and Ivy Laske (absent)
● Printing Weekly Pairings tends to use too much colored ink. The suggestion was made to switch your computer to “black and white” for this report.
Awards: Carole Cain and Ruth Pennington
● Explanation of Weekly Awards and what this FUN JOB entails!
Remember that you receive yearly pins after your first chipin or birdie, and now
CTTP compensation is for only 9 holes, honored on MondayFriday.
Membership Chairs: Pat Shafer and Patty Alderete
● New member introduction: Marissa Stone, Madelyn Merola, Jennifer T, and Georgia Shipley are our new members. We total 131, with 3 perspective applications.
Social Chair: Mary D’Agostini
● Christmas Party Committee will meet in both August and September. The date for this luncheon is December 2nd.
Historians: May Lyau and Joyce Kozuki
● Any surplus photos will be in a basket at the end of the year. Please help yourself.
Guest Speakers: Jason Koskela and Ryan Way
● These two representatives from the pro shop gave a powerpoint presentation on golf etiquette. Our website will highlight their important suggestions.
Publicity: Sue Pharis
● No report
Sunshine: Judi Boltz (absent)
● No report
GAG Representative: Barbara Gorden MAMA’S: Margie Jewett
● Please check our website for their information; names can now be seen clearly!
PWGA Representative: Carol Golbranson
● You can access PWGA information on our internet site.
WNHGA Representative: Alyce Stanwood
● Announcements:
Thank you to all who helped host on WNHGA June 10th.
We won last week at Lake of the Pines (!); currently third in our division.
Marie Bossert announced that Haggin Oaks will take donations for the 1st Tee; contact her for details. She also mentioned that a former member, Jackie Jarratt, fell; cards can be sent to her.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:15.
Lincster General Meeting Minutes - 3/11/2015
Lincster General Meeting Minutes - 3/11/2015
The meeting was called to order by Captain Darlynne Giorgi at 8:00 a.m.
Secretary: Sara Cannon
A motion was requested for the 10/8/2014 minutes. It was first and seconded by Marie Bossert and Linda Salmon. The members voted unanimously to accept.
Captain: Darlynne Giorgi
Welcome; and, thank you to all who are participating in today’s Rules Seminar.
To facilitate the meeting minutes, please identify yourself when making a motion.
Raffles and future fundraisers will comply with the DOJ and CA Gaming Commision. In accordance, all Lincsters and participants will receive equal chance amounts (tickets), at no charge. Monetary donations will be accepted in check form made out to the non-profit organization.
Thank you to the Sweeps Team members for their timely, behind the scenes, number crunching.
Pro Shop/ Sweeps issues. New spring clothing selections are coming into the pro shop weekly. Lincsters can also order special items from the catalogs.
All Captains of the Men’s and Women’s Golf Clubs are scheduled to meet quarterly with the pro shop. The first meeting is scheduled for March 18th. Nancy McDonald will accompany Darlynne to this meeting.
The team apparel is to be worn at the General Meetings, our Club Championship tournament, and on FYOF days. Everyone looks great today!
The Lincster bylaws were approved by the Sun City Lincoln Board.
It has been noted, that lately, our pace of play has been quite slow. Several suggestions were made to remedy this problem.
Thank you to Marnie Badgely for her Secretary assistance while Sara Cannon interned.
During the month of April, play will begin at 9:00 a.m. The following summer months will start at the usual 8:30 time.
PWGA representative, Andie Bristow, was introduced.
Co-Captain: Nancy McDonald
Nancy announced that on April 29th, there will be a Captain’s Scramble. She will be assisted by Pat Ward for this non postable round. It will be followed by a casual lunch.
Treasurer: Barbara Conger (absent)
Taxes were filed with both the State of California and the IRS.
PWGA dues were paid.
The account has one outstanding check; $6,151.37 is our balance.
Tournament Chair: Marie Bossert
BAF on May 13th, with Kristi Love and Phyllis Patrick in charge.
Breast Cancer on October 28th; please sign-up to help.
Handicap: Linda Salmon
Please remember to post your scores!
Website: Sharon Grimes and Ivy Laske (absent)
Thank you to these ladies for getting our information out on the web.
Awards: Carole Cain and Ruth Peddington
Please use your scorecards for scoring only.
If you are not in the Putting Pool, please do not record your putts on the card.
Recheck your numbers before you turn in your results; conflicting scores can result in disqualification.
Membership Chairs: Pat Shafer and Patti Alderete
Our membership is currently at 124.
The new members are: Marti Berntsen, Joyce Hults, Marilee Swanson, and Pat Dobner. There are three additional ones in the membership process.
Please call Pat for prospective Lincsters procedure.
Social Chair: Mary D’Agostini
The Christmas Party will be held on Wednesday, December 2nd. The eight committee members will meet this month.
Publicity: Sue Pharis
No report
Sunshine: Judi Boltz
When appropriate, Judi is now sending some ecards.
GAL Representative: Barbara Gorden
MAMA’S Representative: Margie Jewett
GAL’S are on the 1st and 3rd Mondays; please check web for information.
MAMA’S are on the 2nd and 4th Mondays at Turkey Creek and Lincoln Hills. Please email her with your questions as well as checking the website.
PWGA Representative: Carol Golbranson
No report
WNHGA Representative: Alyce Stanwood
WNHGA is selling “the most important rules”. The plastic set is $5; paper version $2. They are current through this year. The proceeds go to Girls’ Junior Golf for 8-17 year olds.
What exactly are Winter Rules? It was decided that the Seminar following this meeting would address the answer.
Can Sweeps monies be applied to your Lincoln Hills membership? Some ladies have used it accordingly; the issue will be addressed with the Pro Shop on March 18th.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by Sara Cannon
Lincster General Meeting: 10/8/14
Place: Orchard Ballroom
The meeting was called to order at 11:38p.m.
Nancy McDonald – Secretary
- The 6/25/2014 General Meeting Minutes were approved by the attending membership.
Carol Golbranson - Captain
- Welcomed Everyone
- Election of the 2015 Executive Board took place with 77 members voting through the website (55) and at the general meeting (22). This represents 59% of the membership approving the 2015 Executive Board. The new 2015 Executive Board and Chair Persons were introduced to the Membership.
Barbara Conger – Treasurer
- Bills are up to date.
- Financial Update: Current balance $4,224.47.
Marie Bossert- Tournament Chair: Introduced Phyllis Patrick…2014 Club Champion. Breast Cancer Tournament was great fun even though the golf play was rained out. The luncheon took place in the ballroom at noon.
Cindy Atkinson- If you do not see your X on the pairings site after signing up for dates to play, call Cindy, she will fix it!
Ive Laske & Sharon Grimes- Website Chairs: All is good. Sharon will be lead Website Chair in 2015. Ive is now backup.
Bev Johnson & Kay Howard – Awards Chairs: Lincter’s have a 50 percent participation in putts weekly. $1,027.00 has been distributed this season.
Pat Shafer - Membership Chair: We currently have 130 members and two more ladies will join after the first of the year.
May Lau & Joyce Kozuki-Historian Chairs: May and Joyce will continue taking pictures. Send pictures to them!!
Mary Cannistraci, Carol Sexton, & Micki Briggs – Social Chairs: No report
Sue Pharis & Nancy McDonald - Publicity Chairs: Nancy McDonald will be “Co-Captain” in 2015, so Sue is looking for a volunteer to help with publicity when on she is on vacation.
Judi Boltz – Sunshine Chair: If you know of someone who needs some cheer, please contact Judi.
Margie Jewett (Mamas) & Marge Crisp (GAL) Liaisons: No report
Darylynn Giorgi- Co-Captain: March 11th is the PWGA luncheon. Darlynne thanked everyone for their contributions and participation and is looking forward to a great year with the new board and new chairs.
Questions from membership were taken: "What is the Lincsters membership funds used for?" Please see website for response.
With no further business, Captain Carol Golbranson adjourned the meeting at 11:58
Lincster General Meeting: 6/25/14
Place: Oaks/Gables Rooms
The meeting was called to order at 11:30p.m.
Carol Golbranson - Captain
- Welcomed members and new board members.
Nancy McDonald – Secretary
- Approval of 3/12/2014 General Meeting Minutes: A motion and 2nd were made by Kristi Love and Linda Zierman. Approval of the 3/12/14 minutes was unanimous.
Barbara Conger – Treasurer
- Financial Update: The balance to date is $6,020.13. Bills have been paid.
Carol Golbranson - Captain
- New Scorecards: Wednesday play days Lincster members only play the red tees. The purple yardage on the score card is for players wanting to challenge and stretch their ability to play a longer course. The purple yardage is a combination of red and white tees. Hills has 8 white tees (4 on each nine). Orchard has 7 white tees to be played, 4 on front and 3 on back. Pro shop will be printing new cards. Green yardage is a combination of white and blue tees for the men.
- The Breast Cancer Tournament Volunteers, Sue Pharis and Patty Alderette will attend a planning meeting with the eighteen holers on Thursday and report what was discussed. The Breast Cancer Tournaments is scheduled for September 25th.
- Lincoln Hills 15 Anniversary: An email will be sent to all members explaining the upcoming Anniversary Celebration/Parade and the specifics of the event. The email will also include a request for a vote of yes or no to participate in this celebration. Majority will rule. October 18th is the scheduled Anniversary Parade and celebration.
- Joyce Kozuki sent an email to Carol and thanked everyone for the nice cards and support during this difficult time of healing from an accident.
- Marion also expressed her gratitude to everyone at the meeting for their support.
- Coyote Purchase: Carol will talk to the pro shop to determine if they support the idea of the Lincsters purchasing 1 or 2 coyotes for the golf courses.
- Storage: The storage fee is going up. Carol and Marie will be pricing other storage units. Carol plans to clean out and condense, and move to a new unit that is less money. The new rental of decorations will help to offset the cost of a storage unit.
- Carol will discuss with the Board the reinstatement of Winter Rules due to the condition of the course. The water drainage issues are a constant on both courses.
- Membership was encouraged to become part of the board or a committee. Great experience and fun!
- Suggestion to clarify Winter Rules!
Darlynne Giorgi – Co-Captain
- Get Your Games IN!!!
- Club Championship Tournament Update: Darlynne Giorgi volunteered as chairperson for the 2014 Club Championship, to be held on September 9th and 10th. Members must be able to play both days to enter, and have completed at least 12 rounds of golf from September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014. She reminded everyone that time was running out and they needed to get their 12 games in soon! Many surprises to come!
- Rancho Murrietta Invitational was held and everyone had a great time. Encouraged more golfers to participate.
Linda Salmon: Handicap:
- GHIN update: Members doing well on posting.
- Maximum Score Calculation: What is a Course Handicap and how do you use it? C.H. is the number of strokes you get to reduce your net score by on each course you play. Not all courses are created the same, some being easy and some difficult. Example, if you play an easy course your handicap index stays consistent. A harder course is more difficult and cannot play on an equal basis, so you have to adjust your index to reflect your course handicap. GAL and other groups who play varied courses are affected.
Example: Index x rating divided by 113= course handicap
14.6 x 127 divided by 113= 16.4 course handicap
Course handicap is to find out equitable score. Esc designed effect is to offset 1 or 2 disastrous holes.
Lincster website has an explanation of course handicap and index, and equitable score.
USGA/rules.org (visual, step by step understanding of the rules/educational resource.)
Marie Bossert – Tournament Chair & PWGA Rep
- The BA F(Bring a Friend) Tournament for 2014: $1,250 Patriots Honor donation. Very grateful!
- Sharon and Ivy updated website/dates. Big thank you.
- Diamonds in the Rough tournament (18 holers) paid $50 for the rental of decorations.
- Explanation of the rule 24 page 91 in the rule book. If your ball is up against boundary fence,(hit the ball where it lies, or declare unplayable lie and take a penalty stroke.
- A reminder, if you are not sure of how many games you have in for the club championhip; email Marie.
Bev Johnson & Kay Howard – Awards Chairs
- Putt Pool Information: Thank you to Ivy for doing new members, golfer of the month, etc. on the overhead for all members to see and enjoy. Average of 50 percent of members in the putt pool weekly. $500 has been paid out to date.
- Scorecards: Sign both cards!
Pat Shafer & Jean Benson – Membership Chairs
- New Membership Update: Introduced new members: Donna Santoro, Fran Rivera, Sherrill Slotsve.
Returning member is Janet Adler.
May Lau & Joyce Kozuki Photo Update:
- May Lyau and Joyce Kozuki will be taking photos during all regular play days and tournaments for 2014. Please
email May any pictures that you might take, in order to include them in the annual picture book.
Mary Cannistraci, Carol Sexton, & Micki Briggs – Social Chairs: No report
Sue Pharis & Nancy McDonald - Publicity Chairs
- Articles for future months in 2014: Sue asked all members present, to look for fun, funny, or interesting stories when playing with our members during play days. These stories can be used for the Compass and Sun Senior News articles monthly.
Judi Boltz – Sunshine Chair: All is good
Margie Jewett (Mamas) & Marge Crisp (GAL) Liaisons
- Mama’s Update: Thank you to Ivy for her internet help. Marge explained that when she is out of town, she usually has a person appointed that makes sure everyone gets to play.
Apparel team handed out new team apparel.
With no further business, Captain Carol Golbranson adjourned the meeting at 12:22
Lincster General Meeting: 3/12/2014
Place: Orchard Creek Ballroom
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m.
Carol Golbranson - Captain
- Welcomed members and new board members.
Cindy Atkinson – Secretary
- Approval of 10/9/13 General Meeting Minutes: A motion and 2nd were made by Shirley Varner and
Pat Shafer. Approval of the 10/9/13 minutes was unanimous.
Barbara Conger – Treasurer
- Financial Update: The balance on 1/1/14 was $9,932.00, with $3,936.00 in PWGA dues and various bills paid, leaving the current balance at $5,928.00 as of 3/12/14.
- Tax Return Status: The tax return for 2013 was filed and accepted.
Carol Golbranson - Captain
- Bylaw Review: Carol announced that several change options to make the Bylaws more generic, are being addressed. Once the edits are ready, they will be sent to all members by the Lincster Gmail, and the members
will vote by filling out and returning the email via Gmail.
- Family Tees: There are now wooden tees forward of the ladies tees on both the Hills and Orchard courses. As soon as the NCGA comes out to calibrate the yardage (slope and index) for the “Family Tees”, the pro shop will
order new scorecards to reflect the changes. In the mean time, it was suggested that the Lincsters Club utilize
a 5th play day (April 30) for a play day using the “Family Tees”. If there is enough interest by the membership, to use these tees in the future, there may be an “E” flight established for those players wishing to use the “Family Tees”.
- Team Shirts: The membership discussed appropriate days to wear team shirts. There was concensus from the majority of the membership that team shirts be worn on the 1st flight day of each month, on board and general meeting days, and all special tournament days.
Darlynne Giorgi – Co-Captain
- Team shirt update: It was announced that the new team shirts and accessories wereavailable to try on in the Orchard Creek Ballroom, and ordered, on 2/27/2014. $3,600.00 in sweeps money was used for these purchases. Darlynne thanked all the members who helped out during the sale on 2/27/14.
- Club Championship Tournament Update: Darlynne Giorgi volunteered as chairperson for the 2014 Club Championship, to be held on September 9th and 10th. The first day will be played on the Orchard back nine. The second day will be played on the Hills back nine. She has several members who have volunteered to be on her committee. Members must be able to play both days to enter, and have completed at least 12 rounds of golf from September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2014.
- Raffle Prizes for the Lincster General Meeting: The following raffle prizes were awarded to the lucky winners:
Marilyn Britton - $20.00 gift certificate to the movies, Pat Shafer – a bottle of wine, Brenda D’Andre – gift certificate for a make up day/party, donated by a member, and Lois Gilbert – gift certificate for ½ hour lesson from Patty Snyder.
Linda Salmon – Handicap Chair
- GHIN Posting Update: Linda reported improvement, but 2 errors occurred this past month and the members were able to contact Linda to make the change before the end of the month, so their handicap index was not affected. She encouraged everyone to be very careful when posting, and be sure all entries are correct.
Ive Laske – Website
- Website Update: Ive gave an overview of the “Help” tab on the Lincster Website. She also went over the process on the website: if a member cannot see a sign up page or a page is blank, the member can now click to view the page in question. A suggestion was made by a member, to have a link for announcements on the website and Ive will look into the possibility of providing a link.
Marie Bossert – Tournament Chair & PWGA Rep
- The BAF(Bring a Friend) Tournament for 2014: will be held on May 14th. Kristi Love and Phyllis Patrick have volunteered as co-chairs. It was decided that the BAF Tournament would be an all-woman fieldthis year.
- PWGA Update: Marie has received 5 PWGA handbooks for the membership. Marie will put a PWGA binder in the pro shop containing updated information about upcoming tournaments and events. Heart Health and Yoga Seminars information will be put in the binder as well.
- Rules: If any of the members have questions about rules, Marie has a large Rules Book and you are welcome to contact her with your questions. She brought up a sample from the Rules, regarding unplayable lie in a bunker, and shared 3 options that are available. Hitting a provisional ball was also discussed.
- Club Championship Procedure Update: The official Club Championship Procedure for 2014 will be posted on the Lincster website
Bev Johnson & Kay Howard – Awards Chairs
- Putt Pool Information: Bev and Kay continue to have winnings envelopes left in the drawer in the pro shop. After three months, the funds will be put back into the putt pool fund. Pins that have not been picked up will also be recycled. They also brought up a recent problem with large bills being placed in the putt pool bag. Bev has put a reminder on the putt pool bag to only put the correct amount in the bag, either a $1.00 bill or 4 quarters.
Scorecards:Scorecards need to be maintained by one person in each cart. The same person cannot keep score for 2 carts (4 players).
Pat Shafer & Jean Benson – Membership Chairs
- New Membership Update: There are 4 new members who have joined the Lincsters since
January 2014. They are Kay Seenberg, Michele Howard, Carmen Farrington, and Diane Galten. There are 3 more prospective members interested in joining the Lincsters. Pat always shares with the new members, information on the pace of play tips, and recommends calling the “Big Sister” assigned to each new member, for any questions about the game or the membership. As of March 1, the membership is 124.
Joyce Kozuki & May Lyau – Historian Chairs
- Photo Update: May Lyau and Joyce Kozuki will be taking photos during all regular play days and tournaments for 2014. They suggested donating any duplicate or older pictures at the end of the year, to any members who would like them. This could be done at general meetings or the Christmas Luncheon. Sherry Weech will also be
helping out this year by taking pictures for Player of the Month.
Mary Cannistraci, Carol Sexton, & Micki Briggs – Social Chairs
- 2014 Christmas Luncheon Update: Carol announced that the committee is in the process of coming up with a theme and will be meeting soon to start plans for the luncheon that will be held on December 10th in the Orchard Creek Ballroom.
Sue Pharis & Nancy McDonald - Publicity Chairs
- Bulletin Board Update: Barbara Mumma will continue to help Sue and Nancy with the Bulletin Board.
- Articles for future months in 2014: Sue asked all members present, to look for fun, funny, or interesting stories when playing with our members during play days. These stories can be used for the Compass and Sun Senior News articles monthly.
Judi Boltz – Sunshine Chair
- Sunshine Update: Judi was absent, but sent a message that 10 cards were sent out since January 2014.
Margie Jewett (Mamas) & Marge Crisp (GAL) Liaisons
- Mama’s Update: All is well.
- GAL Update: All is running smoothly so far this year.
With no further business, Captain, Carol Golbranson adjourned the meeting at 11:50 a.m.

Orchard Creek Ballroom - 1p.m. to 3 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by Captain Carol Golbranson at 1 p.m. The general meeting
minutes from 10/17/12 were approved by the membership present, after a motion and second by
Lois Gilbert, and Shirley Varner.
Carol introduced special guest speaker Steve Treadway, Master Teaching Pro at the Lincoln Hills Golf Club. He gave a short lesson on chipping, pitching, and putting. Steve announced the return of the GPS to all golf carts by April 1. He also wanted the Lincsters to know that he has addressed the cleanliness of the restrooms on the golf courses, and we should see an immediate improvement.
Steve interacted with several members in the audience, to detail the following points:
- Your ball goes where your hand goes-your target is your destination.
- More follow through for longer shots.
- Work on the same routine each time you play.
- Visualize your swing – prepare mentally as you walk up to your ball – feel the lay of the land.
- Practice the same routine for chipping as you would for putting, except that you play the ball off of the inside right foot.
- Enjoy your time on the course.
Barbara Conger – Treasurer
- Balance is $5,412. The federal and state tax returns have been completed for the year 2012.
Carol Golbranson – Captain
- By Laws, Standing Rules, Local Rules – This information has been condensed and updated, and can be found on the Lincster website under Rules and General Information.
- Membership application and information - has now been updated on the Lincster website.
- Join Lincsters AND 18-Holers – It was voted on and passed by the board members unanimously, that members of the Lincsters can also be members of the 18 Holers, but must declare their primary club for Club Championship purposes. They can only play in one CC.
- 2014 Officers and Chairs – All members were asked to promote the benefits of taking an active roll as officers and chairs for 2014. Please engage as many members as possible to ensure enthusiasm for volunteering.
- “Markers” volunteers - Alyce Stanwood will be hosting a training on April 9, 2013, at her home, for interested “Markers” volunteers. The training will be from 8-10:30 a.m. followed by 9 holes of golf at noon. Volunteer “Markers” are needed for the Team Play event on May 7, 2013.
- “Eclectic tournament” - Alyce invited any Lincster member who would like to play in an “Eclectic tournament”, which will run from April 1 through September 2013, to contact her. For more information please call Alyce at 645-1244.
Connie Stephens – Co-Captain
- Pairings/Awards Update on volunteer schedule – Connie requested more volunteers to helpwith Pairings/Sweeps for the coming months of 2013. There will be a training in mid-April for the new volunteers.
- There was discussion regarding “Winter Rules” as an option for the Lincsters to use all year. It would have to be amended as a local rule and Carol will check with Marcus in the golf shop.
Marie Bossert – Tournament Chair
Marie announced the dates for the 3 tournaments this year. She welcomes all members who would
like to volunteer for any of the tournaments listed below.
- Bring A Friend –June 5, 2013 - Shotgun - 8 a.m. Members can bring one to three friends.
- Club Championship – September 10 (Tuesday), and 11 (Wednesday), 2013
- Breast Cancer Tournament – September 25, 2013 (Wednesday)
Linda Salmon – Handicap Chair
- GHIN posting update - a couple of members posted 18-hole scores instead of 9-hole scores, which changed the flight status for some members. Linda continues to check posting consistency for members.
- “Golf Etiquette” – Linda gave a slide presentation for the members. Below is a summary:
Don’t withdraw from a play day because of poor play; be kind to the course;
maintain a good pace of play; be considerate of players who are teeing off; be careful
when posting your score (9 holes only, on play days).
Ive Laske – Website
- Non-Member Access – A process is in place now, to limit the non-member access to the Lincster website. Non-members will be referred to a link that has an application form.
- Course rating change – The correct rating for both Lincoln Hills courses is now reflected on the GHIN website and the Lincster website.
- Travel Tips for Orchard Course – Now located on the Lincster website on the top of the weekly pairings page.
Bev Johnson and Kay Howard – Awards Chairs
Bev announced the status of Kay’s husband. He is now home recuperating from a broken femur (upper leg bone), in February. It will be a long recovery, so please keep Kay in your thoughts and prayers.
- Awards Update – Scorecard errors have improved and Bev asked everyone to continue to check the scorecards before turning them in at the end of a round. Put the weekly scorecards in the “Blue Basket” located in the ladies restroom, next to the pro shop. Regularly check awards drawer in pro shop, for any winnings you may have earned.
- Gold Rush members - Check your rewards regularly with the pro shop. Receipts for free play are given for every 10 rounds played by Gold Rush members.
Pat Shafer – Membership Chair
- Membership Update – Pat reported that there are 15 new and re-instated members. She introduced the new members who were present, along with their big sisters. There were only a couple of new members present.
- Tracking form for the new members – New member applicants will now be able to sign up to play with a Board Member to complete their requirements.
- Photo Update – Sherry is working with members May Lyau and Joyce Kozuki this year, to prepare them as co-chairs for 2014.
- Room Bookings and Christmas Party – Darlynne is happy to be heading up the Social Chair position and has secured dates and places for the upcoming functions. The next general meeting will be held on October 9, 2013. The Christmas Party will be held on Thursday, December 12, 2013.
Barbara Mumma and Sue Pharis – Publicity Chairs
- Bulletin Board Update – Barbara and Sue continue to update the bulletin board located outside the ladies restroom near the pro shop.
- Breast Cancer Tournament Update – Co-chairs are in place for the 9/25 tournament, but more volunteers are needed for the raffle committee. The theme this year will be “Arm in Arm”, Together Against Breast Cancer. Each foursome will be a mix of 9 and 18-hole members.
- Kilaga Spa Update – The date has been set for May 8, from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. The first 60 people to sign up and to pay their $14.00 will be in for a real treat this year, with wine, appetizers, and makeovers. The registration form is now on the Lincster website: www.lincsters.com. Deadline for reqistration is April 24, 2013. You must take your form with the $14, to the Kilaga Spa in person.
Barbara Wobser – Sunshine Chair
- Notification - One of our new members, Brenda Grady, was recently diagnosed with Leukemia, and would very much appreciate hearing from fellow members via email and cards.
- Notification - Barbara sent a card to Loni Crispen, whose husband passed away.
Marge Crisp & Margie Jewett – GAG and Mama’s Liaison
- GAG Update – Marge reported that all is going very well with the GAG. GAG plays on the 1st and 3rd Mondays each month at various courses. Mama’s play on the 2nd and 4th Monday each month at either Turkey Creek or Lincoln Hills.
- Mama’s Update – Margie reported good turn-outs continue with the Mama’s group. She is looking for a volunteer to be a Co-chair for 2014, and encourages more members to play in 2013.
Marcia Bush – Rules/Ethics/PWGA Liaison
- PWGA Workshop update - Marcia gave a summary of the PWGA workshop, which she attended with 5 other Lincster members this past month in February. A flyer with the PWGA 9’ers Events for 2013 is now posted on the Lincster bulletin board. There is a 9’er event at Turkey Creek on August 26.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m. by Carol Golbranson
Orchard Creek Multi-Purpose Room
The meeting was called to order by Captain Carol Golbranson at 12:10 p.m.
The General Meeting minutes from July 11, 2012 were approved.
Bev Ansbro – 18 Holer’s Breast Cancer Tournament
Special guest, Bev Ansbro, an 18 Hole member, summarized the upcoming Breast Cancer Tournament being hosted this year by the 18 Holer’s group. Coffee and tea will be served before the golf tournament. There will be goodie bags on all of the carts. Lunch and raffle prizes will follow in the ballroom after golf. Bev provided more tournament sign-up sheets and welcomed anyone interested in playing to join them for a very worthy cause and a fun day of golf on October 25, 2012. Clareen Bolton also has extra tournament forms.
Barbara Conger – Treasurer
• Current Balance as of October 17, 2012 is $ 3,234.02.
Carol Golbranson – Captain
- Approval of 2013 Lincster Board
The following names for the 2013 Lincster Board (officers/chairs), was presented at the October 17 Lincster General Meeting: Captain: Carol Golbranson, Co-Captain: Connie Stephens, Secretary: Cindy Atkinson, Treasurer: Barbara Conger, Tournament Chairs: Marie Bossert & Sharon Duley, Website: Ive Laske, Membership: Pat Shafer & Shirley Malick, Social Chair: Darlynne Giorgi, PWGA Chair: Marcia Bush, Awards Chair: Kay Howard & Bev Johnson, Historian: Sherry Weech, Publicity Chair: Barbara Mumma & Sue Pharis, Handicap Chair: Linda Salmon, Sunshine Chair: Barbara Wobser, Go Away Girls: Marge Crisp, Mama’s Chair: Margie Jewett, and WNHGA Liaison: Alyce Stanwood. There was a motion and 2nd, and the new board and chairs were approved by the members.
- LH Website Lincster Information
There was discussion for updating the Lincster information on the LH Website to reflect the fact that the Lincsters are a competitive 9-hole golf group and new members should be skilled and knowledgeable on the game of golf. A motion was made by Shirley Varner and a 2nd by Lena Ingraham to approve this change. Approval was unanimous.
- New Member Requirements
There was discussion for changing the new membership requirements from 70 to 65 (article IV-Membership-Bylaws). New members joining in January forward, will be required to maintain an average score of 65 or below, to remain active with the Lincster group. A motion was made by Barbara Mumma and a 2nd by Sue Pharis to make changes to the bylaws. There was some disagreement from the members and the vote passed 20 to13. It was decided that after 5 “consecutive” scores of 65 or more by a new member, the board will address options for the member, which could include taking a golf lesson.
- PWGA Membership Fee Increase
It was announced that the PWGA membership dues have been raised from $30.00 a year to $36.00 a year. There was some discussion regarding raising our dues by the additional PWGA $6.00. A motion was made by Linda Zierman and a 2nd by Harlean Ellis, to change the bylaws to reflect the new dues of $56.00 (PWGA-$36.00 & Lincsters-$20.00). Approval was unanimous.
- Board & Gen Meeting Schedules
The Lincster Board proposed changing the schedule for Board meetings and General meetings to the following: Board meetings quarterly, starting in January, and General meetings twice a year in March and September, to begin in 2013. There was a motion by Pat Shafer and a 2nd by Marilyn Britton. Approval was unanimous.
- Tournament Chairs for 2013
Marie Bossert would like the membership to consider chairing one of the following tournaments for 2013. They are as follows: BAF (Bring a Friend) in May, CC (Club Championship) in Sept. and a possible Invitational.
Emergency on the Golf Course
Carol Golbranson gave a slide presentation of some possible symptoms of a stroke/heart attack. While playing golf, it is always a good idea to be aware of your playing partners and notice anything unusual during play. One member of a foursome should always have a cell phone turned on. It is also good to have the Pro Shop phone number in your cell phone contact list to notify them of the situation. Always call 911 first, then the Pro Shop. Be aware of what course and hole you are on. There is an emergency button on the GPS System on the carts, but they do not always work.
Ive Laske – Co-Captain
- Pace of Play
Ive presented an excellent slide presentation about the various causes of slow play. She gave a hole by hole example of how only one member can slow down pace of play by 19 minutes for 9 holes. It really gave the members a better understanding of how important it is to yourself and other members to be prepared for golf. When you are not in play, you should be choosing your club, walking to your ball and strategizing your play so you are prepared when it is your turn. It was also noted that all members should share these tips with other members for playing steady golf.
- Play schedule changed to Flight, Random, Flight, FYOF for 2013
A motion was made by Shirley Varner and a 2nd by Joyce Bauer to change the schedule of play for 2013 to Flight, Random, Flight, FYOF. Approval was unanimous.
- Match Play vs. Other Games
A discussion was held regarding maintaining Match Play on the 5th Wednesday in 2013 (Jan, May, July, Oct). Some members like the Match Play and some members like other games. If we do not play Match Play, we will need volunteers to create and implement the game for a particular 5th Wednesday. A sign up list will be available at the Christmas/Holiday Luncheon. We ask that you email Ive Laske with any suggestions for games to ensure your game is compatible with our pairing system.
Connie Stephens – Tournament Chair - Summary of the 2012 Tournaments
- Bring a Friend – May 16, 2012 – 108 players. Monies from the tournament were donated to the Wounded Warriors Project.
- Home & Home – July 31, 2012 – 95 players (54 Lincsters & 41 guests) from local area golf clubs. Excellent turn out from other clubs and great fun had by all.
- Club Championship – September 12/13, 2012 –This was an in-flight tournament with winners in each flight. Jan Varin was the Lincsters 2012 Club Champion.
Linda Salmon – Handicap Chair
- Posting Update – Linda announced that there have been several members who have not posted all of their rounds of golf this past year. It is very important to post every score to maintain a correct handicap. You are responsible for your own posting as the Lincsters club do not post your scores for you. Linda will continue to monitor posting for the Lincster membership, SO PLEASE BE SURE TO POST THE SAME DAY YOU PLAY!
- “X" Out on the Scorecard- There is a slide presentation on the Lincster website: www.lincsters.com. Halfway down on the left side of the home page is a box that reads ”Handicap System Presentation”. This is an excellent summary of everything you need to know about Xing out on a hole, and how to fill out your score card. Remember that Xing out a hole does not disqualify you from posting your score. It only makes you ineligible for that day’s sweeps. Your pars, chip-ins, birdies, etc., will still count toward the year-end awards.
Withdrawing from a round of golf should only be used if you have to leave due to illness or injury before finishing at least 7 holes. If you are having a bad day of golf, continue to play and enjoy the foursome and the camaraderie.
Kay Howard & Bev Johnson – Awards Chairs
- Scorecard Reporting
In general the year has been good for scorecard accuracy. Bev summarized the most common mistakes for the year and also emphasized the importance of accuracy.
It is important to remember that if all members of your group sign both scorecards, then the scores will stand for that day’s play. If, however, there is an error on either card, all players in that group will be disqualified from the sweeps for that day. Make sure that all players look at the scores, pars, birdies, chip-ins as well as putts for those participating in the putt pool. Be sure they are all in the right place. Please print your numbers clearly, so there is no cause for concern later. All players MUST sign the scorecard.
- Awards Pins and Sweeps Monies
Please check the Lincster drawer located in the Pro Shop for your award pins and putt monies from the prior week’s play day. If they are not picked up within 60 days, they will be removed.
Shirley Malick & Donna Benedict – Membership Chairs
- 2012 New Member Count - 129
- New Members waiting to join - 3
- Big Sisters Responsibilities
Lincster Big Sisters continue to provide to new members, partnership on play days, and information about the Lincster group as needed. There is a big comfort knowing that your Big Sister is there to help you through the first few rounds and introduce you to other members.
Marilyn Britton – Social Chair
- Christmas /Holiday Party Update
Marilyn announced that the Christmas Flyer and registration form is now on the Lincster website: www.lincsters.com. The date is December 12, 2012 from 12 noon to 3 p.m. Please take a look at the flyer/form and get your reservation in early.
Sherry Weech – Historian Chair
- Photography Update
Sherry reported that there are still 6 members that she needs to have a photo taken to complete the Lincster membership. She will try to get these 6 photos by year’s end.
- Sherry is looking for a member who is interested in the 2014 Historian position. She can start training a member in 2013 so that the transition will be smooth for 2014. Anyone interested in becoming the Lincster Historian or would like more information about the job, please email Sherry Weech.
Darlynne Giorgi – Publicity Chair
- Upcoming Publications
Darlynne continues to provide great articles in the Sun Senior News and the Compass.
Barbara Wobser – Sunshine Chair
- Sunshine Update
Barbara shared two Lincster members, Shirley Knight and Barbara Mikacich, who are experiencing some difficulty right now. Sending a cheery card or email could greatly make their day a little better.
Lena Ingraham & Margie Jewett – GAG and Mama’s Liaison
- Updates
Both the GAG and Mama’s continue to be popular additions of golf to our Lincster members. Margie will continue to coordinate the Mama’s for 2013 and Lena will be handing over the coordinating duties for 2013 to Marge Crisp.
Alyce Stanwood - WNHGA Liaison
No Report – Currently on a trip Around the World
Marie Bossert – Rules/Ethics/PWGA Liaison
No Report – Currently on a trip Around the World
Additions to the minutes
Carol Golbranson announced hole #17 on the Orchard Course will be cart path only through November 18 due to continued upgrading on the course. There will also be work done in the next 45 days on both the Orchard and Hills courses.
Winter rules will begin on October 24, 2012 for all Lincster members.
With no more questions, the meeting was adjourned at 2 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Atkinson, Secretary
Lincster General Meeting: 7/11/2012
Barbara Conger – Treasurer
- Current Balance as of July 11, 2012 is $5,420.23. The annual storage bill is coming due in August, 2012. Barbara has submitted a financial report for the first 6 months of 2012 to the Lincoln Hills Association. As of today, all the bills are paid.
Carol Golbranson – Captain
- Asked and received approval for the minutes of 4/11/2012.
- Non-Profit status has finally been approved by the State of California and the Federal Government.
- Storage Unit: It was announced that the Lincoln Hills 18-hole ladies club will continue to pay a rental fee of $25 for our decorations in the year 2012. They have helped to renew some of the decorations on hand. All other groups will pay a rental fee of $50.
- Wounded Warrior: Carol read a very emotional “Thank You” letter that was received from the Wounded Warrior Project. They were so grateful for the Lincster donation of $875.54.
- Snakes on the course: A live snake is an outside agency. If there is a snake near your ball, you may take relief by dropping another ball in a place similar to the original ball’s position, no nearer the hole, without penalty. Rule1-4/10.
- “New Officers Committee” : The Captain and Co-Captain both asked the members present at the 7/11/2012 General Meeting, for volunteers to head a nominating committee for the 2013 Executive Board. The following members volunteered: Pat Schaefer, Marion Munoz, and Shirley Varner.
Ive Laske – Co-Captain
- Ive congratulated all of the “Pairings Committee” for handling the duties these past few months. Several members are now learning and doing the pairings, scorecards, and sweeps entries each week.
- Steve Treadway, the Head Golf Pro at Lincoln Hills Golf Club, has offered to have a blog on the Lincster website and it will be posted starting July 15.
Connie Stephens – Tournament Chair
- Bring a Friend – May 16, 2012 – 108 players. Monies from the tournament were donated to the Wounded Warriors Project.
- Home & Home – July 31, 2012 – 95 players are signed up. (54 Lincsters & 41 guests) from local area golf clubs. The starting time is 8:30 a.m. There will be lots of fun and prizes. Carol Greany gave a summary, and has done a great job coordinating the tournament.
- Club Championship – September 12/13, 2012 – It takes 12 regular play days to qualify, which can be done in the fiscal year (9/1/11 to 8/31/12). Look for the flyer on the website soon. This is an in flight tournament with winners in each flight.
Marie Bossert – Rules/Ethics/PWGA Liaison
- Rules Updates – Marie discussed the following rules and Ive Laske provided a slide show of the rules:
- Lateral hazards–red stakes: 1 stroke penalty-hole 13 was the example.
- Ball hits flagstick or club on the green: 2 stroke penalty – It was suggested flag stick and clubs be placed off of the green.
- Wrong ball hit: 2 stroke penalty
There was discussion from some of the members about “what if” and clarification was needed.
Carol and Marie said they would look into the rules and share the findings at a later date. It was suggested that all members carry the portable 2012 Rules of Golf books in their golf bags.
Kay Howard & Bev Johnson – Awards Chairs
- The quarterly awards were shown on the large screens during the meeting.
- A reminder was announced by Bev Johnson, for all playing partners to check the scorecards at the end of the round to make sure that both scorecards match in totals (including pars, chip-ins, and birdies).
Shirley Malick & Donna Benedict – Membership Chairs - Updated by Carol Golbranson
- Membership Update – 17 new members since the beginning of 2012. Carol announced the names of the new members and 4 of the new members were in attendance. They where Pam Curtis, Kristi Love, Sue Pharis, and Mae Lyau
- On the Lincster website, under new membership/local practices, there is a wealth of information for the new members, as well as a refresher for current members.
- All new members are encouraged to attend the quarterly meetings, It is a great way to be kept up to date as to what is happening in our club, to meet other members and enjoy guest speakers.
Sherry Weech – Historian Chair
- Attended Photo-Shop Class – Is now using the software for documenting photos for the Lincster Club. She announced that she would be taking individual member pictures outside of the ballroom after the meeting.
Marilyn Britton – Social Chair
- Marilyn shared an idea for the Christmas Party, to assign seats this year, and request those who would like to sit together to fill out their request early. More to follow on the details. The attending members all agreed with the idea.
- A “Save the Date” will be put on the Lincster website soon. It was suggested by Kay Howard that we put “Christmas/Holiday Party & Annual Awards Presentation” on the flyer.
Darlynne Giorgi – Publicity Chair
- Carol recognized the great job that Darlynne is doing in providing such interesting stories and pictures each month in the Compass and Sun Senior News.
Our guest speaker for the 7/11/2012 quarterly meeting was Lisa Smith, a trainer at the Orchard Creek Wave Fitness Center. She shared a printed list of exercises to perform before playing golf.
All in attendance were treated to an interactive example of each exercise and each member received a copy of the exercises. Lisa also shared information about a class given by Robert Sanchez, who is also a trainer at the Orchard Creek and Kilaga Fitness Centers. It is called “Suspension Training for Golfers”.
Salmon – Handicap Chair – Update by Carol Golbranson
- It was reported that there are 128 active members and 1 social member. 14 members moved up in flights, in June, 2012.
- Posting in error on GHIN website: If you find that you are posting in error before you submit the post, stop and cancel, then start over. If you could not catch it in time, notify Linda Salmon and she can correct it if it is caught in time. Otherwise your handicap will be wrong for the entire month.
- All new members who join the Lincsters after December 1 will be paying for 2013 dues.
Barbara Wobser – Sunshine Chair
- Carol recognized the fine job that Barbara has done with the Sunshine reporting, which can be found on the Lincster website, www.lincsters.com.
- Please let Barbara know of any news regarding our members/family.
Lena Ingraham & Margie Jewett – GAG and Mama’s Liaison
- GAG / Mama’s Update – An email is now being sent out to “All” members regarding the weekly play for GAG and Mama’s. All members are invited to participate whenever possible.
Alyce Stanwood - WNHGA Liaison
- WNHGA Update – No Report
adjourned at 1:30 p.m. by Carol
April 11, 2012
- Meeting called to order
at 12:05 a.m. by Captain Carol Golbranson.
- General Meeting Minutes from 1/11/12 approved.
- Non-profit Status has been approved by the State of California.
- Announcement was made that Pat Ward is retiring from the Lincster Board and IT position. She will continue, however, to be an active member in the Lincster Golf Club.
- Marie Bossert has taken over the PWGA Rep position for 2012, for Linda Lowe, who has moved to Iowa.
- “Pairings Volunteers” are needed to fulfill the weekly job for the rest of the year. We are looking for volunteers to learn the complete or parts of the process. If enough ladies volunteer, we would set up a rotating weekly/monthly schedule to lessen the commitment for each lady.
- The Golf Shop has expressed great appreciation for the Lincster members dropping their weekly checks for play days in the basket on the counter. It is a great help for the busy days.
- The large white tent is now up for the spring/summer months, but the liquor license was not selected, so only beer can be served in the tent for future functions. The liquor license will be re-submitted.
IVE LASKE – Co-Captain - Updates
- A new item was suggested for a Lincster Website “Wishlist” allowing ladies to submit ideas, for the good of all. Attending Lincsters liked the concept and Ive will proceed to add it to the website.
- The Lincster Bylaws have been edited to include state and federal requirements and a recognition of WHNGA being a subset to the Lincoln Hills Lincsters. The edited Bylaws were put on the Lincster Website on 4/4/12 for Lincsters to review in preparation for a vote at the 4/11/12 general meeting. The edits were accepted and approved at the general meeting.
- Scorecard sign off was discussed, and the importance of checking both cards for “ALL” entries. If the cards do not match, the sweeps card will be the card used, and any mistakes can not be changed after the cards are turned in at the end of play. The sweeps card information will stand.
- Team outfits (the last vests), have all arrived. “Thank You” to Ive for making it happen.
BARBARA CONGER – Treasurer - Current Financial Status
- Current
balance: $5,106.00. This includes 2 fees from new members.
CONNIE STEPHENS – Tournaments Chair - Tournament Update
- Introductions were made for the 3 tournament chairs.
- Carol Greaney – Home & Home – There are 85 interested so far from the several 9-hole Clubs invited in the local area. The date is Tuesday, July 31, 2012.
- Jan Varin – Bring A Friend – There are 62 entries so far and it should reach 120. The date is May 16, 2012 and the entry form is on the Lincster website.
- Marie Bossert – Club Championship – The date is September 12/13. The first day of play will be on the Orchard back 9. The second day of play will be on the Hills back 9. Twelve regular play day rounds in the calendar year, 2012 are required to qualify. A luncheon will follow in the OC Ballroom.
STEVE TREADWAY – Professional Golfer/Teacher –Special Guest
- Steve was truly a breath of fresh air on this very rainy day. He shared 30 minutes of his timewith the Lincster members in attendance, and gave a few instructions as well.
- He asked the question, “how often do you shoot your handicap?” The answer, 1 in 5 times. His suggestion to play better golf: “Be kind to yourself as you would be to fellow golfers.” “Forgive yourself.” “Play ready golf whenever possible.”
- While on the range, practice pre-shot routines.
- Too much clothing layering (during winter months) causes less turning. Practice turning at home, with a club, no ball needed. Also practice swinging a club inside, on rainy days.
- Steve answered questions by demonstration, for things like trouble shots, full swings, pitching and putting. All in all, it was a very enjoyable presentation.
SHIRLEY MALICK – Membership Chair
- Shirley introduced the newest member of our Lincsters, Joyce Kosuki. Her big sister, Elfie Jenkins, was also introduced.
LINDA SALMON – Handicap Chair – “It’s a game. have fun!”
- Linda Salmon presented an excellent slide show of the “Handicap System” and this is now located on the front page of our Lincster website, “Handicap System Presentation”. Subjects mentioned in the presentation were withdrawing, posting, sweep eligibility, and pace of play. For more information on Pace of Play: www.golfpwga.org & www.wnhga.com.
DARLYNNE GIORGI - Publicity Chair
- “A picture is worth a thousand words”. Darlynne writes the articles that are presented in the monthly Compass and Sun Senior News. She has asked the membership to help her with ideas for future articles, and send her pictures of interest.
- The
quarterly general meetings will now show all of the winners for the current
quarter on a screen
during the meeting. The pins that are normally presented at the meetings will
now be found
in envelopes in the Lincster drawer in the Pro Shop. Closest to the Pin winners
will receive
a certificate for free golf, good for one year.
- Please check the website the next day, after play, to see if you have won something in the “Sweeps”. If you are a winner, your winnings will be in an envelope with your name on it, in the Lincster drawer in the Pro Shop.
SHERRY WEECH - Historian – No Report - Sherry will take pictures after the meeting.
BARBARA WOBSER - Sunshine Chair
- Barbara shared four entries from the Lincster website Sunshine Report. Charlotte Raifaisen suffered a ruptured appendix. Judy Naragon fell while on vacation and broke her wrist. Edna Linville finished her third round of chemo, with only one left to go. Barbara Mumma had wrist/hand surgery. All are doing well and recovering.
- Marie summarized the new changes for the PWGA Bylaws revisions and it was approved.
- Membership dues were discussed as there is a proposed rate change. The first change is for the yearly club dues to be raised from $30. to $40. It was approved. The second change is for the individual dues to be raised $6.00 per year. This second change was opposed by the entire general meeting attendees.
MARILYN BRITTON – Social Chair – No Report
- Alyce has asked for volunteers to be “Markers” for Team Play, on May 15, 2012
With no more questions, the meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Atkinson, Secretary
JANUARY 11, 2012
- Meeting called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Captain Carol Golbranson.
- Minutes from 10/19/11 approved.
- Non-profit Status is still pending.
- Announcement was made that Pat Ward broke 100 on the Hills Course.
- Play times for winter were discussed and the 1:30 p.m. shotgun will continue
until spring, when 8 a.m. shotguns will start again. This will be based on the weather.
IVE LASKE – Co-Captain - Updates
· Announcement was made that there will be 4 general meetings in 2012: Jan. 11, Apr. 11,
July 11, and Oct. 10, 2012.
· There will be a presentation at each meeting regarding golf education.
· A video on “Follow Through” was shown at the Jan. 11th meeting. This video
and many more golf videos can be found online at the following website: www.ll4g.com.
BARBARA CONGER – Treasurer - Current Financial Status
· Transferred all treasurer duties from Shirley Varner to Barbara Conger on 1/1/2012.
· Current balance:$7,799.00
CONNIE STEPHENS – Tournaments Chair - Tournament Update
· Announcement was made that all 3 tournaments for 2012 have a chairman. They are as
follows: Bring a Friend – Jan Varner, Chair, Home & Home – Carol Greany, Chair, and Club
Championship - Linda Lowe, Chair. There will be 4 liaisons for the Cancer Tournament for
2012. They are as follows: Clareen Bolton, Sharon Duley, Lena Ingraham, and Carol Greany.
PAT WARD – I.T. Chair - Club Championship
· A detailed Club Championship Procedures sheet for 2012 was put together by Pat Ward and
Barbara Mumma. It can be found on the Lincster website: www.lincsters.com, under General
Info/Rules, Club Championship.
LINDA SALMON – Handicap Chair – No Report
LINDA LOWE – Rules/Ethics/PWGA – No Report
SHIRLEY MALICK – Membership Chair
· Shirley announced that there are seven new members as of January 1, 2012. They have been
assigned “big sisters”, who will be playing rounds during the year with the new members.
Six of the new members are listed on the Lincster website under new member list. The
seventh new member is returning to the Lincsters from the Lincoln Hills 18 hole group.
She is Shari Hunter. Please introduce yourselves to the new members when you have the
opportunity in the future.
· The Christmas Party for 2012 has been booked in the Meridians Ballroom.
· Sign-ups for “Sweeps” each week is on a clipboard in the Pro Shop, near the Lincsters
Drawers. Attached is a money bag for your $1. You must sign up before play starts, to
qualify for the “Sweeps”. Please check the website the next day, after play, to see if you
have won something in the “Sweeps”. If you are a winner, your winnings will be in an
envelope with your name on it, in the Lincster drawer in the Pro Shop.
SHERRY WEECH - Historian
· Sherry will start taking pictures for 2012, once the new Lincster apparel has arrived, which
Should be sometime in January/February.
DARLYNNE GIORGI - Publicity Chair
· Darlynne writes the articles that are presented in the monthly Compass and Sun
Senior News. She has asked the membership to help her with ideas for future articles.
BARBARA WOBSER - Sunshine Chair
· Please email Barbara with information for the Sunshine section of the Lincsters website.
Check the website for updates as well. One of our Lincster members was diagnosed with
breast cancer this past week.
· On the Lincster website the GAG/Mama’s dates of play are listed. Just click on the
GAG/Mama’s at the top of the site. Jan.30 and Feb. 6 are shown, and information about the
Groups can also be found here.
With no other business, the floor was open for questions.
· A question was asked about how to enter WD (withdraw), or DQ (disqualified) on the
Scorecard. You use WD in the total box of the scorecard if you do not wish to finish the game
or post your score. If you use WD, you cannot participate in the “Sweeps” for that day. DQ is
used if a rule is broken. If you X a hole, you are no longer eligible for “Sweeps”, but you may
post the score as long as you have finished at least 6 holes out of 9 holes. To score an X
on a hole, you take the par on the hole plus the pops, based on your handicap.
· A question was asked about how a Golfer of the Month is picked. A flight is picked each
month randomly by a computer program. Nobody knows ahead of time which flight will be
picked, A, B, C, D. The Golfer of the Month will be picked by adding the 3 lowest scores
played in each month, “HOWEVER”….there are many variables involved. Be sure to come
to the next Lincster General Meeting on April 11, 2012.
With no more questions, the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Atkinson, Secretary