Golfer of the Month - 2017
November - Flight A - Kay McAdam

We moved from “The Club” in Roseville and bought our current home in June of 2009. Although the areas aren’t far apart there is a world of difference in scenery and community activities. I started golfing in my mid 50’s but hadn’t played for several years. I joined the Lincster’s in 2013. I have been fortunate enough to have made some truly good friends. The members of this golf club are the finest ladies that I have ever had the pleasure of playing golf with. Thank you for the honor of being November’s golfer of the month.

In her own words:
"I started playing golf 27 years ago when a good friend of mine gave me a new set of starter clubs for my birthday! I have played off and on through the years. Four years ago I decided to start in again and have been playing regularly since then. When my husband and I moved here to SCLH, he encouraged me to join the Lincsters and I’m so happy I did. I love the game, love all the Lincster ladies and look forward to many more years as a Lincster."
February - Flight D - Bev Johnson

January - Flight A - Elfie Jenkins